Sunday, February 28, 2010

Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae

There remain in the city all of the most carefully
constructed monuments, however small, imitating the Roman
grandeur—some imitating the honored old form, others
in the style of today.

We can agree on the ancient elements
as well as the modern, and now
on the City’s elevated image.

Rome has many monuments buried under its ruins which
this book unearths. The accommodating reader shall therefore
learn to see how much of the old
grandeur the city had.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Cellar Bakeries and Their Dangers to Producers and Consumers

 The rest here


Der Cosmography

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Deliciously Vintage

Thoughtfully selected pieces, so nicely arranged that I didn't want to ever leave. 

Reminded me of my mother when she was quite young & quite beautiful & read Italian Vogue & made her own clothes. 

Put those Urban Outfitters denim jackets to shame:

Also: shoes! Such lovely shoes and even they carefully edited; those blue-gray suede oxfords are now very happily hiding in my closet. 

1747 South Halsted Street
(Pink Line to 18th)

NMMA: Things to love about Mexican art

Religious imagery

Vibrancy & energy [GauguinPicasso]

Intricacy & detail 
[dyed reed on wood]

Thursday, February 18, 2010

And one for the cartophiles

Le Tombeau de Petosiris

What passes as money these days

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

East Asia Rare

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Maragrita Philosophica

Dr. Sun Yat-Sen

From the Chicago Daily Tribune, October 14, 1911 

Czech Occultism c. 1910

Monday, February 15, 2010

Faust and Marguerite

The rest (with detailed staging and costuming instructions!) here:

Friday, February 12, 2010


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Andy Kehoe

Shelley Reed

Untitled 2007
Oil on canvas

So You Think You Can Taxiderm

You wish to preserve, for example, one of the great green worms that you find eating your grape-vine. Make an incision across the posterior portion, just sufficient to include the end of the alimentary canal; press the contents of the worm out through the opening, gently, and with special care in the case of the tussock-moth worms and others that have hair or other appendages. Though a seemingly hazardous thing to do (as respects the integrity of the specimen), yet the most delicate hairy caterpillars may be very successfully emptied of their contents.


Title of my future autobiography, FOUND

Wednesday, February 10, 2010